Dining rooms are mostly made for big parties rather than for quiet family dinners. Natural stone, columns, and stained glass are widely used for their decoration, since a dining room can say a lot about the owner’s status.
Modern ideas in a dining room design of the. Photos of 2015 interiors
This dining room design was created within the project of the interior of a private house with an attic. Art Decois the main style throughout the whole house. Expensive exotic materials and décor is one of its features.
When you look at this interior you can think of halls in a medieval castle. This effect is achieved by the brick walls, ceiling murals and a stained glass decoration over an arched doorway leading to the kitchen. Private designers Ruslan and Mary Green in the interior dining room used bright turquoise accents against a dark background. Among other modern ideas that you can see in these photos, there is an illuminated onyx on the console.
Lighting and décor of the living room interior with turquoise accents
Windows provide the dining room with lots of light. However, in the evening you can switch on a magnificent chandelier, which will make you think of a cloudless summer with its ceiling murals in bright blue shades.
The dining room design was created because the owners wanted to receive guests there. That’s why instead of a small, round table, there is a long glossy table. Upholstered turquoise chairs in Art Deco style look very bright against the dark chocolate background of the table.
It is worth noting that, despite its close “neighborhood”, the kitchen and the dining room look as they are two completely different rooms. The kitchen area in accordance with modern style traditions is very minimalistic. However, there are more Art Deco elements in the interior of the dining room.