Basic Interior Design Project
USD/sq. ftComplete Interior Design Project
10,9 4,7
USD/sq. ftToday, it is almost impossible to buy an apartment that meets all individual requirements for size, room number and layout. There is always a partition or wall that needs to be knocked down to create an ideal place. Or an additional room is desperately needed so you have to obtain an authorization for apartment replanning. Many developers are still nowadays offering standard planning solutions that need to be adjusted to individual preferences and ideas about comfort. At best, you can end up with an apartment with no layout, that is, with no partitions. In this case, you can either on your own or with the help of a professional architect-designer, who knows what can and cannot be done with replanning, divide the space into various rooms and areas. In case of secondary market apartments, it is necessary to be ready for construction works to knock down walls and build new ones.
Apartment re-planning project
- Builders carry out modern renovation only with design project.
- Replanning is approved only after submission of the planning project to the appropriate authorities.
- Replanning allows increasing apartment living space and value.
- Residential premises can be converted into non-residential only with a planning project.
Any design project starts with apartment replanning. A planning solution consists of a drawing showing the placement of partitions and is drawn up based on what can or cannot be done with the apartment. The planning solution can help visualizing the emplacement of rooms, furniture and functional areas. Design drawings for wall demolition or construction plans, socket layout plan are usually prepared to show the layout. Based on these drawings, builders can start preliminary works without waiting for the final visualizations.
Interior designers Ruslan and Maria Green can create as many planning solutions as needed for a single apartment. Then only one apartment replanning option is selected and, if necessary, reworked before it is used to build the apartment interior. When replanning an apartment, designers offer the optimal solutions helping to transform any disadvantages in the apartment into an asset. They do so by complying with construction rules and regulations, so that it usually does not take too long to obtain replanning authorizations. It is indeed usually very easy to get an apartment replanning developed in a professional design studio approved.
How to order a design project?
Receive consultation by designer and make an order, calling by phone numbers: