Design of a Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic
The Great Wall of China, hieroglyphs which are impossible to understand, martial art tai chi, food in boxes, expensive vases of the Ming Dynasty — this is a small list of associations connected with China which most of us have. We do not know much about this ancient country that can surprise us by not only preserving pandas, but also with valuable discoveries in the field of medicine. When our designers created this interior design project, it was important to express the concept of the health establishment with the help of décor and other visual means. While trying to find the best solution, the experts from Ruslan and Maria Green’s studio developed three designs of the reception area, each of which has some oriental elements.
Medical center design and pictures of completed interiors
This clinic design is implemented in an ultramodern style and includes minimalist composition, an abundance of monochrome solutions, eco-friendly materials and unusual décor. The lobby has a picture of a lotus, which is a symbol of rebirth and divinity, and is decorated with saturated shades of red. The reception area with its stairs creates an atmosphere that corresponds to the ambiance of the clinic. Tall bright vases, typical oriental patterns and Chinese hieroglyphs - these are the main decorative elements of the interior design.